Acceptance Rates and Race

Explore the acceptance rates and race statistics from 42 public institutions for incoming classes in the 2005 - 2007 period.

Average acceptances rates for each race with GPA as a hover

- There's a clear variability in average acceptance rates across different ethnicities. This suggests that ethnicity may have an impact on the admission rates, which could be due to a variety of factors including demographic representation, affirmative action policies, or other institutional criteria.

- Asian applicants tend to have a higher acceptance rate in comparison to other ethnicities, as indicated by the bar representing Asian applicants typically being among the highest.

- Black applicants seem to have lower acceptance rates on average compared to Asian and Hispanic applicants, which could indicate disparities in access or other systemic issues that could be influencing these rates.

- The acceptance rates for Hispanic applicants are generally high and are indicative of either a growing population of Hispanic students applying to college or effective outreach and support programs that could be impacting these numbers positively.

- Native American applicants have consistent acceptance rates, neither the highest nor the lowest among the groups, which might reflect a balance between their application rates and the acceptance policies of postsecondary institutions.